Getting Started – Air and Ground Units

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Before you begin, verify that the Air Unit and Ground Unit you are working with are designed for the same product.

From version 3.2.3 and above:

  • CONNEX Mini air unit will link with a CONNEX/ CONNEX Fusion ground unit.

  • CONNEX air unit will link with a CONNEX/ CONNEX Fusion ground unit.

  • CONNEX Mini air unit will link with a CONNEX Mini ground unit.

  • CONNEX air unit will not link with a CONNEX Mini ground unit.

The Air and Ground Units provided in the same box are preconfigured to automatically search for and connect to each other.

To get started with the Air Unit:

  1. Set up the Air Unit, as described in Setting Up the CONNEX Air Unit or Setting Up the CONNEX mini Air Unit.

  2. The Air Unit can be configured to transmit video downlink to up to three additional Ground Units, as described in Multicasting to Multiple Ground Units.

To get started with the Ground Unit:

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